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Johann Sebastian Bach: Best of the Best
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Perhaps the finest exemplar of the baroque era, Bach (1685-1750) composed major, complex works in every genre of music except opera. Both his sacred and secular compositions are among the finest ever penned and brilliantly synthesize the various national styles practiced by Bach's contemporaries. Here are his essential recordings.

Bach: Goldberg Variations (1955 Recording) / Glenn Gould
Johann Sebastian Bach(Composer), Glenn Gould(Performer)
Usually ships in 2-3 days

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Our Price: $9.97 essential recording
In the summer of 1955, a brash, eccentric, and awesomely gifted 22-year-old pianist swept the didactic cobwebs off this monumental opus, and a star was born. For listeners weaned on romantic Bach stylings of Fischer, Casals, and Landowska, the effect was like stepping into an ice cold shower. Glenn Gould's agile, independent hands and hair-trigger rhythm ignited Bach's virtuosic writing with insight and irreverence, sprucing up the counterpoint with crisp articulation, perky accents, and...Read more

Bach: The 6 Cello Suites / Pablo Casals
Johann Sebastian Bach(Composer), Pablo Casals(Performer)
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $21.97
Our Price: $20.87
You Save: $1.10 (5%) essential recording
Casals crusaded for this music. When he first picked up a used copy of the score in a music store, Bach was not very popular with general audiences, and the cello suites were never played in public. If cellists knew them at all, they used them as finger exercises. After two decades of study, Casals finally gave his first public performances of the suites. For all we know, they may have been the world premieres. Casals thoroughly mastered the music, and by the time he made his recordings, in the...Read more

Bach: Mass in B minor / Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists
Johann Sebastian Bach(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $32.97
Our Price: $31.32
You Save: $1.65 (5%) essential recording
One of the most frequently mentioned "favorite" works of Bach, the B Minor Mass is not really a functional liturgical work, but an assemblage of movements written over a period of many years. Its grand scale is certainly awesome, but its musical and spiritual unity is more remarkable, considering its origin and the fact that it contains several different compositional styles--not to mention some of Bach's most profound and beautiful music. Performing this work and preserving a sense of...Read more

Bach: St Matthew Passion / Klemperer, Pears, Ludwig, et al
Johann Sebastian Bach(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $31.97
Our Price: $30.37
You Save: $1.60 (5%) essential recording
With all the (deserving) attention paid these days to period instruments and performance practices, it remains for any period performance group to equal or surpass this magnificent production, recorded in 1961. With soloists of a caliber hard to match today, and one of the world's finest orchestras and choruses, this recording brings the deeply spiritual and dramatic aspects of the work together in a way that is nothing less than revelatory. The opening chorus alone is a marvel of conducting...Read more

Bach: The Art of Fugue, Musical Offering / Neville Marriner
Johann Sebastian Bach(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $17.97
Our Price: $16.49
You Save: $1.48 (8%) essential recording
There are many apocryphal stories in the classical-music world, but the one in which Frederick the Great challenged Bach to improvise a six-part fugue on a theme of the king's own invention is true, and The Musical Offering was, after a period of further reflection, the result. As with all the works of Bach's later years, the work is both great art and a "teaching piece," which shows everything that he thought could be done with the king's theme. The Trio Sonata based on the theme is the only...Read more

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