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Ludwig van Beethoven: Orchestral
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Beethoven: Symphonien Nos. 5 & 7 / Kleiber, Vienna PO
Ludwig van Beethoven(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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Our Price: $11.97 essential recording
Long regarded as the quintessential interpretation of the most popular and best-loved symphony ever written, this performance of the Fifth has everything: passion, precision, drama, lyric beauty, and a coiled fury in the first movement that sets your pulse racing from the very first note. Carlos Kleiber has made very few recordings in his distinguished career, but almost all are special. If you own no other copy of this symphony, this is the one to get. It comes with an exceptional performance...Read more

Beethoven: Symphonies 3 & 8 / Szell, Cleveland Orchestra
Ludwig van Beethoven(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 2-3 days

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Our Price: $7.97 essential recording
As time goes on, George Szell's performances seem only to gain in strength. Famed during his lifetime as a disciplinarian who raised the Cleveland Orchestra to an international standard, his Beethoven performances perfectly balance Classical poise with Romantic urgency and emotion. The Eroica is a particularly difficult symphony to conduct, owing to its length and the fact that Beethoven's orchestration often seems too small for such explosive music. With Szell, problems of balance and emphasis...Read more

Beethoven: Symphonies no 3 & 9, etc / Böhm, Vienna PO
Ludwig van Beethoven(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $17.97
Our Price: $16.49
You Save: $1.48 (8%) essential recording
This is one of the greatest recordings of the famous Ninth Symphony. It has long been overshadowed by Karajan's three recordings for the same label, as well as Bernstein's version with the same orchestra. But put them all on your CD player and compare, and this is the one you'll be coming back to. Böhm was the least glamorous of conductors, but he approaches the Ninth with messianic zeal and a fanatical gleam in his eye. The opening movement is a cataclysm, the sublime slow movement never loses...Read more

Beethoven: 9 Symphonien / Karajan, Berlin Philharmoniker
Ludwig van Beethoven(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $33.97
Our Price: $32.27
You Save: $1.70 (5%) essential recording
By general consensus, Herbert von Karajan's first (1963) Beethoven cycle for Deutsche Grammophon is the best of the four (!) that he recorded. The Berlin Philharmonic was in top form, and they had not yet made an artistic fetish out of the bland smoothness that typified the conductor's later recordings of this music (and just about everything else). Karajan's squeaky clean, emotionally cool Beethoven will always be something of an acquired taste, but this set makes the best possible case for it....Read more

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