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Gustav Mahler: Orchestral
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Mahler: Symphonie no 2 / Bernstein, Ludwig, New York PO
Gustav Mahler(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $32.97
Our Price: $31.32
You Save: $1.65 (5%) essential recording
This is the most imposing performance of this symphony currently available. The tempos are rather slow, but Leonard Bernstein sustains the music's tension superbly, and the climaxes are every bit as overwhelming as they must be to justify the time he takes getting there. The concerts from which this recording derives were among the musical events of a lifetime, and much of that sense of occasion has found its way onto this disc. If you want to be blown away by music, then this baby's for you. ...Read more

Mahler: Symphony no 3 / Salonen, Larsson, Los Angeles PO
Gustav Mahler(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $31.97
Our Price: $30.37
You Save: $1.60 (5%) essential recording
Finnish conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen is one of the few indisputably great masters of his trade. Thank God he's young and healthy, with a long career in front of him. He is currently presiding over what I have no doubt will later be regarded as a sort of "golden age" in Los Angeles. The orchestra has never sounded better--in fact, the playing on this disc is so staggeringly fine that you're simply not conscious of it at all. Salonen's interpretation is equally persuasive. It's so natural...Read more

Mahler: Symphonie no 4 / Bernstein, Wittek, Concertgebouw
Gustav Mahler(Composer), et al
Usually ships in 24 hours

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List Price: $16.97
Our Price: $15.49
You Save: $1.48 (9%) essential recording
Leonard Bernstein's earlier recording of this symphony for Sony was, and remains, one of the best. This new one, however, really is something special. As in his recording of the First with this orchestra, Bernstein's tempos have markedly speeded up, especially in the slow movement. He seems to have really discovered the secret of the music's essential innocence, and he now knows exactly when to make a point and when to just let the music speak naturally. The use of a boy soprano in the finale is...Read more

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