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Call for Papers

VLDB2001 will be held at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana located in the heart of Roma, overlooking St. Peter's. VLDB2001 will continue the 25-year tradition of VLDB conferences as the premier international forum for database researchers, vendors, practitioners, application developers, and users. We invite submissions reporting original results on all aspects of data management as well as proposals for panels, tutorials, demonstrations, and exhibits that will present the most critical issues and views on practical leading-edge database technology, applications, and techniques. We also invite proposals for events and workshops that may take place at the Conference site before or after VLDB2001.

Topics of Interest

VLDB2001 invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including the new challenges for global data management posed by digital libraries, electronic commerce, internet and intranet services, wireless data access, world-wide and mobile data services, ubiquitous and continuous operations, knowledge management, data warehouses and mining, data semantics, large scale data distribution, global optimization and interoperability. VLDB2001 challenges prospective authors to consider novel topics and approaches rather than dwelling on the incremental improvements of existing results. In addition to papers addressing "core data technology", we also solicit papers on "information systems infrastructures", reporting on methods, issues, and problems faced during the design, development, and deployment of innovative solutions for information management. Each submission should be categorized as "research", "vision", and "application/experience" depending on their primary contribution, where "vision" articles are expected to present new viewpoints and challenges, and "application/experience" articles are expected to report on concrete deployments of data technology.

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts of papers must be submitted by February 19, 2001; full papers must be submitted by February 26, 2001, to the program committee chair for the region in which the principal author did the reported work.

Richard Snodgrass, rts@cs.arizona.edu
Europe, Africa, and Near East
Peter Apers, apers@cs.utwente.nl
Far East, Asia, and Australia
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, rao@cs.mu.oz.au

The papers will be judged according to their area and category, so the authors are relied upon to place their papers appropriately. Papers must not be under consideration or published elsewhere. Detailed information on papers submission is available here.

Tutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience. Tutorials whose audience is broader than the database research community are encouraged. Proposals must be no more than five pages, and must include enough material to provide a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth to which it will be covered. The intended length of the tutorial (1.5 or 3 hours) should also be indicated, together with justification that a high-quality presentation will be achieved within the chosen time period. Proposals should be submitted electronically by February 26, 2001 to:

Patrick Valduriez, patrick.valduriez@inria.fr

The message must contain the name, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number of the speaker. Tutorial presentations will be published and made available to VLDB participants, and must be ready for publication by July 15, 2001.

Panel proposals should address controversial issues and must be debate-oriented rather than a series of short presentations. The proposal should include the topic title, a short statement about the importance and relevance of the panel and the potential issues of controversy, a tentative list of questions that will be posed to the panelists, a list of confirmed participants along with their affiliation, and a short bio of each participant. Panel proposals should be submitted electronically by February 26, 2001 to:

Matthias Jarke, jarke@informatik.rwth-aachen.de

Short panel summaries will appear in the Proceedings.

Demonstration proposals should be focused on new technology, advances in applying databases, or new techniques. Demonstration proposals must be no more than four pages, and should give a short description of the demonstrated system, explain what is going to be demonstrated, and state the significance of the contribution to database technology, applications, or techniques. Proposals should be submitted electronically by February 26, 2001 to:

Piero Fraternali, fraterna@elet.polimi.it

Short papers describing demos will appear in the Proceedings.

Industrial presentations will describe current challenges and trends of the data management industry. Nominations for topics and speakers are welcome, and should be submitted electronically by February 26, 2001 to:

Michele Missikoff, missikoff@iasi.rm.cnr.it
Laura Haas, laura@almaden.ibm.com

The conference will also host an industrial exhibit with participation of the leading vendors of data management products and of publishing companies. If you are interested in participating in the exhibit program, please contact Michele Missikoff.

Workshop preposals should be submitted to:

Stefano Ceri, ceri@elet.polimi.it

Conference Officials

General Chairperson
Paolo Atzeni (atzeni@dia.uniroma3.it) - Università di Roma Tre, Italy
Coordinating Program Chairperson
Stefano Ceri (ceri@elet.polimi.it) - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Regional Program Chairpersons
Europe: Peter Apers (apers@cs.utwente.nl) - University of Twente, The Netherlands
America: Richard Snodgrass (rts@cs.arizona.edu) - University of Arizona, USA
Far-East: Kotagiri Ramamohanarao (rao@cs.mu.oz.au) - University of Melbourne, Australia
Panel chairperson
Matthias Jarke (jarke@informatik.rwth-aachen.de) - RWTH Aachen, Germany
Tutorial chairperson
Patrick Valduriez (Patrick.Valduriez@inria.fr) - INRIA, France
Industrial Program Chairpersons
Michele Missikoff (missikoff@iasi.rm.cnr.it) - IASI-CNR, Italy
Laura Haas (laura@almaden.ibm.com) - IBM Research, USA
Application Program Chairpersons
Carlo Batini (batini@aipa.it) - AIPA and Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
Shalom (Dick) Tsur (dicktsur@bea.com) - BEA Systems Inc., USA
Area Chairpersons
Europe: Janis Bubenko jr (janis@sisu.se) - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
America: Umeshvar Dayal (dayal@hpl.hp.com) - H-P Labs, USA
Far-East: Yahiko Kambayashi (yahiko@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp) - Kyoto University, Japan
East Europe Coordinator
Bernhard Thalheim (thalheim@informatik.tu-cottbus.de) - TU Cottbus, Germany
VLDB Liason
Hans Schek (schek@inf.ethz.ch) - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Organizing Committee
Tiziana Catarci , chairperson (catarci@dis.uniroma1.it) - Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
Michele Missikoff, sponsorship correspondent (missikoff@iasi.rm.cnr.it) - IASI-CNR
Diego Calvanese, technical support (calvanese@dis.uniroma1.it) - Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
Francesca Costabile (fcosta@iesi.ba.cnr.it) - Università di Bari, Italy
Riccardo Torlone, publicity (torlone@dia.uniroma3.it) - Università di Roma Tre, Italy
Gianni Mecca (mecca@unibas.it) - Università della Basilicata, Italy
Laura Tarantino (laura@ing.univaq.it) - Università dell'Aquila, Italy
Maurizio Rafanelli (rafanelli@iasi.rm.cnr.it) - IASI-CNR, Italy
Luca Cabibbo (cabibbo@dia.uniroma3.it) - Università di Roma Tre, Italy

Program Committee

Europe, Africa, and Near East
Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
Karl Aberer, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Sonia Bergamaschi, U Modena, Italy
Peter Boncz, CWI, Netherlands
Mokrane Bouzeghoub, U Versailles, France
Kjell Bratbersengen, U Trondheim, Norway
Sophie Cluet, INRIA, France
Daniela Florescu, INRIA, France
Piero Fraternali, Politecnico Milano, Italy
Christoph Freytag, Humboldt U, Germany
Carole Goble, U Manchester, UK
Peter Gray, U Aberdeen, UK
Sergio Greco, U Calabria, Italy
Jane Grimson, U Dublin, Ireland
Torsten Grust, U Konstanz, Germany
Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Christian Jensen, Aalborg U, Denmark
Maurice van Keulen, U Twente, Netherlands
Wolfgang Klas, University of Vienna, Austria
Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle U Thessaloniki, Greece
Tova Milo, Tel Aviv U, Israel
Boris Novikov, U St. Petersburg, Russia
Stefano Paraboschi, Politecnico Milano, Italy
Michael Paterakis, TU Crete, Greece
Evaggelia Pitoura, U Ioannina, Greece
Felix Saltor, U Catalunya, Spain
Giuseppe Santucci, U Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Arno Siebes, U Utrecht, Netherlands
Riccardo Torlone, U Roma Tre, Italy
Ozgur Ulusoy, Bilkent U, Turkey
Jan Van den Bussche, Limburgs U Center, Belgium
Yannis Vassiliou, U Athens, Greece
Jari Veijalainen, U Jyvaskyla, Finland
Arjen de Vries, CWI, Netherlands
Gerhard Weikum, U Saarland, Germany
Waldemar Wieczerzycki, Acad. Econ. Poznan, Poland
Pavel Zezula, Brno U of Tech., Czech Rep.

Divyakant Agrawal, UCSB, USA
Paul Aoki, Xerox PARC, USA
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, U Wisconsin, USA
Suad Alagic, Wichita State U, USA
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, U de Chile, Chile
Roger Barga, Microsoft, USA
Don Batory, U Texas, USA
Phil Bernstein, Microsoft, USA
Stephen Blott, Bell Labs, USA
Alexander Borgida, Rutgers, USA
Jan Chomicki, Monmouth U, USA
Susan Davidson, U Penn, USA
Alex Delis, Polytechnic U, USA
Pamela Drew, Boeing Corp, USA
Margaret Dunham, SMU, USA
Leonidas Fegaras, UT Arlington, USA
Mary Fernandez, AT&T Labs, USA
Avi Gal, Rutgers, USA
Le Gruenwald, U Oklahoma USA
Joachim Hammer, U Florida, USA
Antony Hosking, Purdue, USA
Gail Kaiser, Columbia U, USA
Hank Korth, Bell Labs, USA
Alberto Laender, UFMG, Brazil
Alon Levy, U Washington, USA
Ling Liu, Georgia Tech, USA
Nelson Mattos, IBM, USA
Renée J. Miller, U Toronto, Canada
Gail Mitchell, GTE Labs, USA
Bongki Moon, U Arizona, USA
Rajeev Motwani, Stanford, USA
Inderpal Singh Mumick, Savera, USA
Raymond Ng, UBC, USA
Yannis Papakonstantinou, UCSD, USA
Arnie Rosenthal, Mitre, USA
Gustavo Rossi, UNLP, Argentina
Keng L. Siau, U Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Pat Selinger, IBM, USA
Sang Son, UVA, USA
Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs, USA
V S Subrahmanian, U Maryland, USA
Alex Tuzhilin, NYU, USA
Peter Varman, Rice, USA
X. Sean Wang, GMU, USA
Marianne Winslett, U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Clement Yu, U Illinois at Chicago, USA
Carlo Zaniolo, UCLA, USA

Far East, Asia, and Australia
Guozhu Dong, Wright U, Australia
Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto U, Japan
Masaru Kitsuregawa, Tokyo U, Japan
Tok Wang Ling, Nat. U Singapore, Singapore
Hongjun Lu, Hong Kong U, Hong Kong
Dr James Alexander Bailey, U of Melbourne, Australia
Dr John Shepherd, U of New South Wales, Australia
Alistair Moffat, U Melbourne, Australia
Beng Ching Ooi, Nat. U Singapore, Singapore
Krithi Ramamritham, IIT, India
Nandlal L. Sarda, IIT, India
S. Sudarshan, IIT, India
Justin Zobel, RMIT U, Australia

Important Dates

12 June 2001
Abstract Submission Deadline
26 February 2001
Paper, Panel, Demonstration and Tutorial Submission Deadline
13 May 2001
Notification of Acceptance
10 June 2001
Camera Ready Papers Due
11 September 2001
VLDB2001 Conference Opens in Roma
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Last update: April 18, 2001