
  2D vector graphic text affected by several  text attributes

  • Rotatedtext returns a 1D geometric text rotated by alpha radians
    Pre/Post conds (alpha::isreal) => (ispol)
    Example rotatedtext:(pi/4): Hello Plasm!

  • Solidifier operator to return an offset 3D geometric value for the arg string
    Pre/Post conds (arg::isstring) => (ispol)
    Example solidifier: Hello, PLaSM World !

  • Textwithattributes returns a 1D geometric text string with specified attributes
    Pre/Post conds (TextAlignment::IsString; TextAngle, TextWidth, TextHeight,
    TextSpacing::IsReal)(arg::isstring) => (ispol)
    Example TextWithAttributes:< center ,0,1,1,0.5>: Hello, PLaSM World !

  • Text returns some geometric text with default value for attributes
    Pre/Post conds (arg::isstring) => (ispol)
    Example text:'Hello, PLaSM World !'

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