Università di PadovaUnit leader: Andrea Pietracaprina The research unit from Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università di Padova, is well-established in the international research community and features a strong, long-standing expertise on computational models and algorithm design for advanced platforms. In recent years, members of the units have also made very relevant contributions to the realm of data mining and to the theory of ad-hoc/mobile networks. The unit will play a central role for the activities of WP1. |
Università di PerugiaUnit leader: Giuseppe Liotta The research unit from Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Perugia has a variety of skills in information visualization and system design. From the application perspective it has a wide expertise in the visual analysis of data coming from social networks and from the Web. From the methodological perspective it is leader in visualizing complex graphs with specific topological and geometric properties. Hence, it will be one of the cornerstones of WP2. |
Università di PisaUnit leader: Roberto Grossi The research unit from Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, has earned an international reputation in algorithms and data structures for pattern matching, sequence analysis, data compression, and text indexing. From the application and methodological perspective, its expertise can contribute in motif extraction in biological HTS data and design of new space-efficient data structures for large data sets. Hence, it will foster the activities in WP1. |
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"Unit leader: Camil Demetrescu The research unit from Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica and Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" has a long-standing expertise in different aspects of algorithm design and software development on emerging platforms. Its skills lie at the intersection of different areas, such as algorithms, programming languages, and software engineering, providing a unified methodological view of different aspects arising in the development of techniques for handling massive data addressed in WP1 and WP2. |
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"Unit leader: Giuseppe F. Italiano The research unit from Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ingegneria Informatica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", is recognized as one of the world leading research teams on dynamic graphs and on network design algorithms. Its research skills can strongly contribute, both from the methodological and application perspective, to the design, analysis and experimental evaluation of new algorithms for very large graphs and for massive data sets, areas which are at the heart of WP1 and WP2. |
Università Roma TreUnit leader: Giuseppe Di Battista The Graph Drawing Research Unit from Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università Roma Tre, is leader in graph visualization with an impressive array of international collaborations. From the application perspective it has a wide expertise in analyzing and visualizing data originated in the computer networks field. From the methodological perspective it is leader in visualizing large data sets with clustering techniques. Hence, it will strongly boost the activities of WP2. |
Webmaster: Maurizio Patrignani (maurizio.patrignani@uniroma3.it) |