01/02/2019 -
Big data e intelligenza artificiale:
la società digitale nel mondo della privacy, intervento alla giornata introduttiva del
Master in Responsabile della protezione dei dati personali: Data Protection Officer e Privacy expert, Università Roma Tre
30/07/2018 -
Data Models from Traditional Databases to NoSQL Systems,
seminar at the School of Computer Science of the University of Waterloo, Canada.
06/10/2017 -
Trasparenza dei dati e delle valutazioni nell'epoca dei big data,
intervento al convegno
Trasparenza e Big Data, Università Roma Tre
29/09/2017 -
Big (e small) data: il valore è nel significato,
intervento alla
Notte Europea dei Ricercatori, Università Roma Tre
12/10/2016 -
Gestione dei dati: semantica e portabilità,
intervento al convegno
Trasparenza e Big Data, Università Roma Tre
24/06/2016 -
Big data (o anche solo "Data"): sfide e opportunità,
intervento al seminario
Le nuove frontiere della ricerca: il ruolo dei Big Data e dell' Evidence Based per gli studi
interdisciplinari in campo educativo,
Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione
23/06/2016 -
Data Modelling in the NoSQL World ,
keynote at
CompSysTech 2016,
20/05/2016 -
Data Driven Innovation: sfide e opportunità,
intervento introduttivo al
Data Driven Innovation Open Summit,
Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Ingegneria
29/09/2010 -
GII Doctoral School 2010 (September 29, 2010, Selva di Fasano, Italy)
Seminar on Model independent schema and data translation
(material: Part I and Part II)
06/10/2005 -
at ITRE (Committee on Industry, Research and Energy) of the European Parliament on
"Towards a Global Partnership in the Information Society," Bruxelles.
16/09/2005 - University of Helsinki: "ModelGen: Model Independent Schema Translation"
08/02/2005 - HP Labs, Palo Alto: "ModelGen: Model Independent Schema Translation"
09/09/2002 -
ADBIS 2002, invited talk
on "Coordinates for Web site modeling: time, version, edition, space, personalization"
26/08/2002 -
EDBT Summer School 2002, lecture on "Modelling and Extracting Data from Web Sources"
??/04/2002 - University of Twente (Netherlands), : "Databases and the World Wide Web"
09/10/2001 -
IDUG 2001, keynote talk on "Databases in the Internet Age"
14/09/2001 -
KRDB 2001,
member of the panel: How much reasoning will be needed in applications of semistructured data? (chaired by Werner Nutt)
12/12/2000 - University of Trento: "Databases and the World Wide Web"
01/03/2000 - "Architetture Data Warehouse," Seminario IBM, Milano
??/03/2000 - "Architetture Data Warehouse," Seminario IBM, Roma
15/09/1999 -
WSDAAL 1999, invited talk on "Sistemi informativi su Web:
una grande opportunità"
09/02/1999 - "Data Warehousing: concetti base e metodologie," Seminario AIPA-INAIL, Roma
01/12/1999 -
SOFSEM 1999, invited talk on "Databases and the World Wide Web"
18/11/1998 -
ER 1998,
keynote talk on "Web Sites Need Models and Schemes"
12/11/1998 - "Basi di dati e nuove tecnologie di rete a supporto della produzione statistica,"
Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica, Roma,
28/08/1998 - AT&T Research: "ARANEUS: database methods and techniques for the Web"
11/06/1998 -
CAiSE 1998, tutorial on "Web-based Information Systems: Design and Maintenance" with P. Merialdo (prepared also with G. Mecca)
15/05/1998 - INRIA: "The Araneus project"
EDBT 1998, keynote talk on "Databases and the Web,"
WebDB (Workshop on the
Web and Databases)
18/06/1997 -
CAiSE 1997, tutorial on "Database cooperation: classification and middleware tools" (prepared with L. Cabibbo and G. Mecca).
17/06/1997 -
Workshop on Engineering Federated Database Systems, at
CAiSE 1997,
keynote on "Databases and the Web: going back and forth"
16/05/1997 -
Workshop on Semistructured Data, in conjunction with SIGMOD 1997: member of the panel
How much structure is semistructured data?
20/11/1996 -
TMR Seminar on Metamodeling, Paris, November 1996:
"MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes"
with R. Torlone
07/10/1996 -
ER 1996, tutorial on "Database cooperation: classification and middleware tools" (prepared with L. Cabibbo and G. Mecca).
13/06/1996 - GTE Laboratories: "Management of Multiple Models in an Extensible Database Design Tool"
12/06/1996 - Brown University: "Management of Multiple Models in an Extensible Database Design Tool"
10/06/1996 - University of Toronto: "Management of Multiple
Models in an Extensible Database Design Tool"